I know there was confusion last week for a few of you reading my blog. I am not in jail or prison and have no legal problems. What I am writing about on my blog is my past experiences. I will continue to write about all my experiences the good, the bad and the ugly.
I have some great news. The audience in the United States and Canada has made our show Outlaw Chronicles so popular thats its spreading around the World. The Outlaw Chronicles is getting ready to premier in the United Kingdom and I am wrapped up doing promotion for the show in the U. K. So this weeks blog story is from a couple years ago but still very relevant concerning investigations and indictments. Every potential defendant should read this story I wrote. Hit the link below: http://corporatecomplianceinsights.com/how-to-avoid-additional-charges-when-facing-an-investigation-and-indictment/ Comments are closed.